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Eric J Herrholz

Wake And Be Thankful

Someone Is Fighting To Survive
Be Thankful To God

Wake and Be Thankful—a phrase that resonates with gratitude and mindfulness.

In the quiet dawn, as the sun stretches its golden fingers across the horizon, we find solace in the simple act of waking. Each breath, a gift; each heartbeat, a reminder of life’s delicate balance.

Be thankful for the dew-kissed grass beneath your feet, for the symphony of birdsong that greets your ears. Be thankful for the warmth of your bed, the embrace of morning light, and the promise of a new day.

Let us rise, not only from slumber but from the depths of our souls. Let gratitude be our compass, guiding us through the labyrinth of existence. For in this waking moment, we are alive—a miracle spun from stardust and time.

So, my friend, wake and be thankful. Embrace the day with open arms, for it holds within it the potential for wonder, connection, and growth. And as the sun climbs higher, may your heart echo the sentiment: “Thank you.”


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