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Eric J Herrholz

Waiting For GOD

A Journey of Faith and Patience

Waiting for God is a profound and transformative experience that requires trust, patience, and active faith. It is not about passively standing by but about confidently expecting God's perfect timing and guidance. This journey can be challenging, but it is also deeply rewarding.

The Meaning of Waiting on God

The concept of waiting on God is rooted in the Hebrew word "Qavah," which means "to wait, look for, hope, expect". This waiting is an active process, involving trust and anticipation of God's intervention in our lives. It is about surrendering our fears, anxieties, and timelines to God's greater plan.

Why We Wait

  1. God's Timing is Perfect: Often, our plans and God's plans do not align. We may feel impatient or frustrated, but it is crucial to remember that God's timing is always perfect. He knows what is best for us and when it is best for us.

  2. Strengthening Faith: Waiting on God helps to deepen our faith and trust in Him. It teaches us to rely not on our understanding but on His wisdom and timing.

  3. Preparation for Greater Things: Sometimes, the period of waiting is a time of preparation. God may be preparing us for something greater than we can imagine. This period can be a time of growth and learning.

How to Wait on God

  1. Prayer and Meditation: Engage in regular prayer and meditation. This helps to keep your focus on God and His promises. It also provides peace and reassurance during times of uncertainty.

  2. Study the Scriptures: The Bible is filled with stories of individuals who waited on God and were rewarded for their patience and faith. Studying these stories can provide encouragement and insight.

  3. Community Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community. Sharing your journey with others can provide strength and encouragement. It also helps to know that you are not alone in your waiting.

  4. Active Faith: Waiting on God does not mean doing nothing. Continue to live your life, pursue your goals, and serve others. Trust that God is working behind the scenes and will reveal His plan in due time.

Waiting for God is a journey that requires patience, faith, and trust. It is about surrendering our plans and timelines to God's perfect will. While it can be challenging, it is also an opportunity for growth and deepening our relationship with God. Remember, God's timing is always perfect, and His plans for us are always for our good.


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