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Eric J Herrholz

Never Question GOD

Embracing Faith and Trust

In the journey of life, we encounter numerous challenges and uncertainties that test our faith and resilience. During these times, we might find ourselves questioning the purpose behind our struggles and the direction of our path. However, the principle of "never question God" invites us to embrace faith and trust in a higher wisdom that guides our lives.

The Essence of Faith

Faith is the cornerstone of spiritual belief. It is the unwavering trust in a higher power, even when the reasons behind life's events are not immediately clear. By not questioning God, we acknowledge that there is a divine plan at work, orchestrated by a wisdom far greater than our own understanding. This acceptance brings a sense of peace and comfort, knowing that we are not alone in our journey.

Trusting the Divine Plan

Life's trials and tribulations can often feel overwhelming, leading us to question why certain things happen. However, trusting in God's plan means believing that every experience, whether joyful or challenging, serves a purpose. It is through these experiences that we grow, learn, and evolve. By surrendering our doubts and embracing faith, we open ourselves to the lessons and blessings that life has to offer.

Finding Strength in Surrender

Surrendering to God's will does not mean passivity or resignation. Instead, it is an active choice to trust in the divine process and find strength in faith. This surrender allows us to let go of the need to control every aspect of our lives and to find solace in the knowledge that God is guiding us towards our highest good.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us with the divine. Through prayer, we express our hopes, fears, gratitude, and desires, strengthening our relationship with God. It is a practice that reaffirms our faith and trust, reminding us that we are supported and loved by a higher power.

Embracing the Unknown

Life is filled with uncertainties, and the future is often unpredictable. By choosing to never question God, we embrace the unknown with courage and grace. This mindset empowers us to face life's challenges with a resilient spirit, knowing that we are part of a divine plan that is unfolding perfectly.


The principle of "never question God" is an invitation to deepen our faith and trust in a higher power. It encourages us to embrace life's journey with an open heart, knowing that every experience serves a greater purpose. By surrendering our doubts and trusting in God's wisdom, we find strength, peace, and a sense of divine guidance in every step we take.

Never Question GOD


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