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Eric J Herrholz

Making Yourself a Priority

Recognizing the Importance of Self-Care: Why You Should Prioritize Yourself

The concept of self-care often finds itself brushed aside, perceived as selfish or indulgent. From all directions, we are bombarded with incessant messages urging us to prioritize the needs of others and place work, family, and obligations above our own well-being. However, it is crucial that we fully grasp the significance of self-care and learn to give ourselves priority in order to lead lives that are both satisfying and harmonious.

Caring for oneself cannot be considered a mere luxury; it is an absolute necessity. It parallels the act of securing our oxygen masks on airplanes before assisting fellow passengers. If we continuously disregard our personal needs while tirelessly pouring ourselves into others without replenishing our own reserves, we expose ourselves to the perils of burnout, exhaustion, and even physical and mental health complications. By placing self-care at the forefront of our lives, not only do we benefit ourselves but also set a profound example for those around us. We demonstrate that it is not only permissible but indeed indispensable to tend to one’s own well-being in order to manifest as the finest versions of ourselves for those whom we hold dear.

Your Are A Priority ERIC J HERRHOLZ
Make Yourself #1


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