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Eric J Herrholz

Embracing Divine Rest

The Power of Taking Breaks in Writing

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget the importance of rest. Yet, even God rested on the seventh day, setting an example for us to follow. As writers, we often push ourselves to the limit, striving to meet deadlines and perfect our craft. However, taking a break is not just beneficial—it’s essential.

1. Renewed Perspective

When we step away from our work, we allow our minds to reset. This break can bring clarity and new insights that we might miss when we’re too close to our writing. Just as God created the world and then rested, we too can create and then step back to appreciate our work from a fresh perspective.

2. Enhanced Creativity

Breaks can spark creativity. When we’re constantly working, our creative well can run dry. Taking time off to engage in other activities, whether it’s spending time with family, enjoying nature, or simply relaxing, can rejuvenate our creative spirit. This renewed energy can lead to more inspired and impactful writing.

3. Spiritual Reconnection

A break is also a time to reconnect with our faith. Reflecting on God’s word and spending time in prayer can provide the spiritual nourishment we need. This connection can infuse our writing with deeper meaning and purpose, aligning our work with our values and beliefs.

4. Improved Health and Well-being

Continuous work without rest can lead to burnout and health issues. By taking regular breaks, we care for our physical and mental well-being. This self-care is crucial for maintaining the stamina needed for long-term success in writing and other endeavors.

5. Rediscovering Joy

Writing should be a joyful process, not a burdensome task. Taking breaks helps us rediscover the joy in our craft. When we return to our writing after a period of rest, we often find ourselves more enthusiastic and passionate about our work.

Remember, taking a break is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our understanding of the natural rhythms of life. Embrace the rest that God has ordained, and let it renew your spirit and creativity.



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