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Eric J Herrholz

Do Not Instigate The Cops

A Guide to Safe Interactions

In recent years, interactions between civilians and law enforcement have been under intense scrutiny. High-profile incidents have highlighted the need for better communication and understanding on both sides. One crucial aspect of these interactions is the importance of not instigating or provoking the police. Here’s why maintaining calm and respectful behavior is essential:

Understanding the Role of Police

Police officers are tasked with maintaining public safety and enforcing the law. Their job is inherently stressful and often dangerous. When civilians provoke or instigate officers, it can escalate situations unnecessarily, leading to potential harm for everyone involved.

The Consequences of Provocation

Provoking the police can have serious consequences. It can lead to arrests, physical confrontations, and even tragic outcomes. According to a recent investigation, between 2012 and 2021, more than 1,000 people died after police used physical force that was intended to be non-lethal1. These incidents often began with escalated interactions.

Tips for Safe Interactions

  1. Stay Calm: If you are stopped by the police, take deep breaths and remain calm. Your demeanor can influence the outcome of the interaction.

  2. Be Respectful: Address officers politely and follow their instructions. Respectful communication can help de-escalate tense situations.

  3. Know Your Rights: Understand your legal rights, but also know the appropriate times to assert them. Arguing with officers on the scene can escalate tensions.

  4. Avoid Sudden Movements: Sudden or unexpected movements can be misinterpreted as threats. Move slowly and inform the officer of your actions.

  5. Document the Interaction: If you feel your rights are being violated, document the interaction if it is safe to do so. This can be useful for any future legal actions.


While it is important to hold law enforcement accountable, it is equally important to ensure our interactions with them are safe and respectful. By not instigating the police, we can help prevent unnecessary escalations and contribute to a safer community for everyone.




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